Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Jumping Squats

The jump squat is a full-body exercise that requires no equipment at all.  It works the legs, midsection, gluteus, hamstrings, abdominals, quadriceps and calves all done by alternately stretching and contracting the muscles. When you do this exercise properly it will greatly increase your performance as an athlete in numerous sports. Example, it can improve your explosiveness in football and vertical jump in basketball.

Are You Ready!

It is always nice to be able do this workout on grass or turf to lessen stress on the knee joints. Concrete or wood floors are hard so you need to use padding such as a rubber mat in this situation. As with other plyometric exercises, jump squats should be done at the beginning of an exercise program after you have warmed up and ready to perform a complex exercises. A good Jog of 400 meters or so is a good place to start, I like throwing in some jump rope after that to get the blood flowing through the body.  After a few stretches of your choosing try doing some basic air squat and other movements that mimic this exercise.


Let's Talk About the Move

Just like air squats you will start with your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart. You may put your hands behind your head with your fingers interlocked if you like, I prefer out to the front or the side I feel more in control of my self.  The direction of your jump will be vertical. Start by standing tall, then come down into a squatting position with your thighs slightly higher than your knees. Quickly explode into the air for maximum height. In mid-air, your body should be as straight as a stick. Land in the squat position and pause for a moment. 


Beginners should always practice stationary squats before moving into this movement. Once you’ve mastered the hip-hinge mechanism, start with small jumps and focus on your landing mechanics. As you progress in your training, start by jumping onto elevated platforms such as a box. Start by facing a box that is 6 inches high and land on the box in a squatting position. Pause, stand straight up, take a backward step down and repeat.


As with any exercise there is always risk of injury, proper warm up, cool down and stretching will
help reduce this from happening.
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