Happy Monday everyone
Just sharing a great article for this weeks post. I know it a lot of reading but if your in this
for the long run and looking building some serious muscle, or even just sculpting your boding, it
is a great place to start. This page is filled with great info. So click the link bellow and enjoy, then
come back and share, comment bellow.
20-Rep Squats: The Brutal Path To Massive Gains! - Bodybuilding.com
Thank you and stay safe
Monday, April 27, 2015
Friday, April 24, 2015
Stop working out for 5 min!
I'f your busy doing squats today take a break for 5 minutes. What I'm about to tell you may sound too good to be true, but rest assured - it's not... Starting today Friday, April 24 and running through Sunday, April 26th, Reebok.com will be offering up to 50% off sale items with code EXTRA20! This means awe-inspiring sales on apparel, shoes, and accessories.
You're not going to want to miss out on this, If there is one Reebok sale that you should take advantage of - this is it! Don,t walk! RUN! to your computer of smart phone go to Reebok.com this Today(Friday) through Sunday and stock up on some great items at prices that are the hottest of the year! Once you recieved yours post photos of your new gear for us to see.
You're not going to want to miss out on this, If there is one Reebok sale that you should take advantage of - this is it! Don,t walk! RUN! to your computer of smart phone go to Reebok.com this Today(Friday) through Sunday and stock up on some great items at prices that are the hottest of the year! Once you recieved yours post photos of your new gear for us to see.
Even if you don't need any new gear share with your friends, they might need something.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Hi everyone great sale
Just a quick little post today to let you know there is a great sale on ZQuick Dash running shoes (for Men, Women, and Kids) for only $39.99 with code QUICKDEAL! But hurry this only available for two days only (4/23 - 4/25). So run, jog, walk over to your computer, go to Reebok.com to get yours now.
Thanks have a great day.
Thanks have a great day.
Monday, April 20, 2015
What do I do if I can't Squat?
As most of you know I love SQUATS, they are functional and efficient. Squats help strengthen the muscles that keep us mobile and independent. When you sit in a chair or go to the bathroom, funny as that sounds, we are squatting. If you could no longer do those things on our own wed be in some trouble. So lets think about those whom cannot do squats as a form of exercise. There are many out there that can’t perform a squat, because of an injury, bad knees, hip replacements, or other medical conditions, that are unable to include squats as part of their exercise program. This can become a frustrating situation. This doesn’t mean they have to do a lower body workout on machine driven exercises like the leg extension. Machines will always have their place in a strength training programs but they don’t mimic real world movements. Strength training is the most effective way for people mimic real life motions. Also many of us have limited equipment to use at home. So we have come up with a few workouts that are designed to use simple tools like resistance bands and their own body weight.
If squats are painful or you just cant fiscally do them, there are still many exercise options for your lower body. Try these workouts for an effective workout. You can do 2-3 sets of each exercise, 10 – 15 repetitions per set.
Standing Hip Flexion: This exercise is done by secure a resistance band to a sturdy and low anchor, like a couch. Attach the other end of the band to your right ankle or foot. Stand up straight, holding onto the wall or back of a chair. Bend your right leg to 90 degrees and lift your right knee to hip height, hold for a one second pause and the return to start.
Hip Thigh Extension: This is great for shaping your glutes, it also works the muscles in the front of the leg. Lie down on the ground, face up, with the left knee bent and left foot flat on the ground. The right leg will be extended straight with the heal slightly off the ground. Lift your hips and lower back off the ground while keeping the right leg extended straight. Hold for a one second pause and then return to the starting position, keeping the right leg engaged and slightly off the ground until the last repetition. Switch side and repeat the same number of repetitions with the left leg extended.
Step-ups: A step up can be done with an aerobic step, a weight bench or a stair in your home. I like using a weights when I do it (holding a dumbbell in each hand), you can do it with just your own body weight, especially if you use a high step or weight bench. Make sure to keep your weight in the heal of the foot leading, not the toe, during this movement. For variety, you can also move laterally (facing parallel of the step and stepping up to the side) or add upper body movements like shoulder presses.
Reverse Lunges: Taking your lunge in reverse can take some pressure off the knees. These can be done with just your own body weight or a dumbbell in each hand. Toes and knees should be pointed forward and the front knee should stay over the ankle with a vertical shin. There is no need to bring the back knee all the way to the ground, just aim for a 90-degree angle in both knees. For an extra core challenge hold a dumbbell in only one hand while lunging with the opposite leg.
Kettlebell Swings: Kettlebell Swings are a hinging movement, not a squatting one. They are great for the posterior chain and can help you get your cardio. Boost the cardio effect by doing extra sets of swings (up to 15) at the end of the workout with minimal rest in between. Muscle fatigue is part of the process. Pain is not part of the program. If squats cause you pain, you can stop. These moves will help keep you functional and fit without machines or extra Advil!
If this post helped you or you have something to add feel free to comment bellow and share with your friends and family. As Always stay safe.
Thank you
If squats are painful or you just cant fiscally do them, there are still many exercise options for your lower body. Try these workouts for an effective workout. You can do 2-3 sets of each exercise, 10 – 15 repetitions per set.
Standing Hip Flexion: This exercise is done by secure a resistance band to a sturdy and low anchor, like a couch. Attach the other end of the band to your right ankle or foot. Stand up straight, holding onto the wall or back of a chair. Bend your right leg to 90 degrees and lift your right knee to hip height, hold for a one second pause and the return to start.
Hip Thigh Extension: This is great for shaping your glutes, it also works the muscles in the front of the leg. Lie down on the ground, face up, with the left knee bent and left foot flat on the ground. The right leg will be extended straight with the heal slightly off the ground. Lift your hips and lower back off the ground while keeping the right leg extended straight. Hold for a one second pause and then return to the starting position, keeping the right leg engaged and slightly off the ground until the last repetition. Switch side and repeat the same number of repetitions with the left leg extended.
Step-ups: A step up can be done with an aerobic step, a weight bench or a stair in your home. I like using a weights when I do it (holding a dumbbell in each hand), you can do it with just your own body weight, especially if you use a high step or weight bench. Make sure to keep your weight in the heal of the foot leading, not the toe, during this movement. For variety, you can also move laterally (facing parallel of the step and stepping up to the side) or add upper body movements like shoulder presses.
Reverse Lunges: Taking your lunge in reverse can take some pressure off the knees. These can be done with just your own body weight or a dumbbell in each hand. Toes and knees should be pointed forward and the front knee should stay over the ankle with a vertical shin. There is no need to bring the back knee all the way to the ground, just aim for a 90-degree angle in both knees. For an extra core challenge hold a dumbbell in only one hand while lunging with the opposite leg.
Kettlebell Swings: Kettlebell Swings are a hinging movement, not a squatting one. They are great for the posterior chain and can help you get your cardio. Boost the cardio effect by doing extra sets of swings (up to 15) at the end of the workout with minimal rest in between. Muscle fatigue is part of the process. Pain is not part of the program. If squats cause you pain, you can stop. These moves will help keep you functional and fit without machines or extra Advil!
If this post helped you or you have something to add feel free to comment bellow and share with your friends and family. As Always stay safe.
Thank you
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Jumping Squats
Hi Everyone
Hope you are having a great start to your week. Today we will be discussing Jumping Squats.
The jump squat is a full-body exercise that requires no equipment at all. It works the legs, midsection, gluteus, hamstrings, abdominals, quadriceps and calves all done by alternately stretching and contracting the muscles. When you do this exercise properly it will greatly increase your performance as an athlete in numerous sports. Example, it can improve your explosiveness in football and vertical jump in basketball.
Are You Ready!
It is always nice to be able do this workout on grass or turf to lessen stress on the knee joints. Concrete or wood floors are hard so you need to use padding such as a rubber mat in this situation. As with other plyometric exercises, jump squats should be done at the beginning of an exercise program after you have warmed up and ready to perform a complex exercises. A good Jog of 400 meters or so is a good place to start, I like throwing in some jump rope after that to get the blood flowing through the body. After a few stretches of your choosing try doing some basic air squat and other movements that mimic this exercise.
Let's Talk About the Move
Just like air squats you will start with your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart. You may put your hands behind your head with your fingers interlocked if you like, I prefer out to the front or the side I feel more in control of my self. The direction of your jump will be vertical. Start by standing tall, then come down into a squatting position with your thighs slightly higher than your knees. Quickly explode into the air for maximum height. In mid-air, your body should be as straight as a stick. Land in the squat position and pause for a moment.
Beginners should always practice stationary squats before moving into this movement. Once you’ve mastered the hip-hinge mechanism, start with small jumps and focus on your landing mechanics. As you progress in your training, start by jumping onto elevated platforms such as a box. Start by facing a box that is 6 inches high and land on the box in a squatting position. Pause, stand straight up, take a backward step down and repeat.
As with any exercise there is always risk of injury, proper warm up, cool down and stretching will
help reduce this from happening.
Thank you for reading, as always feel free to comment bellow and SHARE with those you think
would benefit from this post.
Thank you
Monday, April 13, 2015
Are you a Hockey Fan? Its Playoff Time
Hi everyone:
Just a little off topic today, Seeing how there is a great sale going on, thanks to Reebok.com on NHL Product Now until Wednesday April 15th. If you are a fan this is to good to pass on.
40% off NHL Products
These playoff deals end Wednesday, April 15th so get NHL apparel, shoes, and accessories for 40% off while you can!
Thank you
**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
Friday, April 10, 2015
HURRY: Up to 50% All Men's & Women's Jacket and Hoodies
Between now and Sunday April 12'
Yes its almost summer time but that doesn't mean that it going to be warm every day, that cold weather just likes to sneak up on you at any time. Spring nights and rainy spring days can leave us chilled if we don't have a jacket or hoodie on to keep us nice and cozy -- now is an ideal time to stock up on these items. As Reebok makes way for more warm-weather apparel, they are offering big sales on their cold-weather gear. Between now and Sunday, April 12th, you can get Up to 50% Off All Men's Jacket and Hoodies and Up to 50% Off All Women's Jacket and Hoodies at Reebok.com when you use code GETOUTSIDE. Keep yourself warm all year round with their great selection. But hurry, because this deal ends soon.

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
Yes its almost summer time but that doesn't mean that it going to be warm every day, that cold weather just likes to sneak up on you at any time. Spring nights and rainy spring days can leave us chilled if we don't have a jacket or hoodie on to keep us nice and cozy -- now is an ideal time to stock up on these items. As Reebok makes way for more warm-weather apparel, they are offering big sales on their cold-weather gear. Between now and Sunday, April 12th, you can get Up to 50% Off All Men's Jacket and Hoodies and Up to 50% Off All Women's Jacket and Hoodies at Reebok.com when you use code GETOUTSIDE. Keep yourself warm all year round with their great selection. But hurry, because this deal ends soon.

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Front Squats
Squat Day
It's time for some fronts squats, who doesn't love these? I do especially the next day when I walk like
a baby giraffe. Lets get started, when you do front squats, the barbell will rest on the front of your shoulders, if you are flexible enough, if you are like me it more like top of your chest shoved into your throat, hold it in place as in example bellow.

By moving the weight in front of you instead of behind you, you change your center of gravity and, thus, change the focus of the exercise to the quads. This is due to how you're holding the weight, you might need to use a lighter weight then when you do back squats but work up to a weight that you are comfortable doing. Here is how to do it:
1. Stand with feet hip- or shoulder-width apart.
2. Place the barbell on the front of the shoulders and cross the arms over the bar to hold it in place.
3. Bend the knees and lower into a squat. Because of how you're holding the weight, your torso will remain vertical and you may not be able to squat down as low, so take care not to compromise your balance.
4. Contract the glutes and legs slowly stand back up without locking the knees and repeat for 1-5 sets of 3-5 repetitions. Depending on your weight and capabilities, its ok to try to go for a Max effort but not every time
6. Always keep the knees in line with the toes!
It's time for some fronts squats, who doesn't love these? I do especially the next day when I walk like
a baby giraffe. Lets get started, when you do front squats, the barbell will rest on the front of your shoulders, if you are flexible enough, if you are like me it more like top of your chest shoved into your throat, hold it in place as in example bellow.

By moving the weight in front of you instead of behind you, you change your center of gravity and, thus, change the focus of the exercise to the quads. This is due to how you're holding the weight, you might need to use a lighter weight then when you do back squats but work up to a weight that you are comfortable doing. Here is how to do it:
1. Stand with feet hip- or shoulder-width apart.
2. Place the barbell on the front of the shoulders and cross the arms over the bar to hold it in place.
3. Bend the knees and lower into a squat. Because of how you're holding the weight, your torso will remain vertical and you may not be able to squat down as low, so take care not to compromise your balance.
4. Contract the glutes and legs slowly stand back up without locking the knees and repeat for 1-5 sets of 3-5 repetitions. Depending on your weight and capabilities, its ok to try to go for a Max effort but not every time
6. Always keep the knees in line with the toes!
Keep up the hard work and remember to leave comments or question bellow.
Always share with others
Thank you
Squat hard
Squat deep
and be safe

Monday, April 6, 2015
Welcome Back
Hello everyone:
Hope you had a great Easter weekend and were able to spend it with friends and family. Now its
time to get back to work. If your like me you were pretty lazy when it came to any kind of fitness
regime this weekend. Its ok though because we all need brakes once in a while.
From some feedback I have received people would like to talk about what it takes to improve our squats. So we will be discussing ways to make out squats better. Here is one of my favorites.
Wall Squat
The wall squat is a great drill to use to perfect your form. It’s very simple, yet it can be quite a challenge to do properly:
1) Face the wall about a foot away, with your feet shoulder width apart, you may turn your feet out slightly
2) Extend your arms above your head and place your palms against the wall, ensure your arms parallel with each other
3) Push your hips back and lower yourself down into a full squat position (as low as you can go without straining yourself), with your hands remaining on the wall. Don’t allow your head, knees, or torso to touch the wall.
4)Focus on keeping your knees in line with your toes (pushed out), and your chest up. Keep your spine in a neutral position (don’t over-arch nor round it).
5) If your head, knees, or torso touch the wall, stop at this point, fix your form, and hold the position. Move around a bit to get a good stretch.
The more you practice this the closer to the wall you should be able to get and the deeper the squat.
If you continue to work on flexibility and mobility for your squats, you will begin to see an
improvement in your workouts.
Hope this works for you. As always feel free to Comment bellow and share this post with family
and friends.
Thank you
Hope you had a great Easter weekend and were able to spend it with friends and family. Now its
time to get back to work. If your like me you were pretty lazy when it came to any kind of fitness
regime this weekend. Its ok though because we all need brakes once in a while.
From some feedback I have received people would like to talk about what it takes to improve our squats. So we will be discussing ways to make out squats better. Here is one of my favorites.
Wall Squat
The wall squat is a great drill to use to perfect your form. It’s very simple, yet it can be quite a challenge to do properly:
1) Face the wall about a foot away, with your feet shoulder width apart, you may turn your feet out slightly
2) Extend your arms above your head and place your palms against the wall, ensure your arms parallel with each other
3) Push your hips back and lower yourself down into a full squat position (as low as you can go without straining yourself), with your hands remaining on the wall. Don’t allow your head, knees, or torso to touch the wall.
4)Focus on keeping your knees in line with your toes (pushed out), and your chest up. Keep your spine in a neutral position (don’t over-arch nor round it).
5) If your head, knees, or torso touch the wall, stop at this point, fix your form, and hold the position. Move around a bit to get a good stretch.
The more you practice this the closer to the wall you should be able to get and the deeper the squat.
Bellow is a video of the wall squat (in this video she does Squats with her toes touching the wall and hands at her sides, this is much more difficult variation and something to work towards)
If you continue to work on flexibility and mobility for your squats, you will begin to see an
improvement in your workouts.
Hope this works for you. As always feel free to Comment bellow and share this post with family
and friends.
Thank you
Friday, April 3, 2015
Back Squats (Barbell Squats)
Back squats/barbell squats are definitely a more intense version of squats, they require you to use the largest muscles in the body. Barbell squats will be a great addition to you workout, like always you need to ensure you do them correctly. Adding any weight on your shoulders also adds the weight of that load on your spine as well, so ensure you do not over do the weight and start with a weight you are comfortable with. Here's how to do it:
1. Stand with feet hip or shoulder width apart.
2. Place the barbell just above the shoulders on the trapezius muscles (i.e., the 'meaty' part of the shoulders). If you feel uncomfortable, you can use a bar pad, or towel work fine,to protect your back.
3. Bend the knees and lower into a squat. Stop when your knees are at 90-degree angles OR before you lose the natural arch of your back.
4. Squeeze those glutes and legs while stabilizing your body with a tight core.
5. Slowly stand back up without locking the knees and repeat for 1-3 sets of 10-15
6. Always keep the knees in line with the toes!
Stay safe don't over do this exercise.
Please feel free to share this post, make a comment bellow if this was helpful or what we could add to better your experience.
Thank you

2. Place the barbell just above the shoulders on the trapezius muscles (i.e., the 'meaty' part of the shoulders). If you feel uncomfortable, you can use a bar pad, or towel work fine,to protect your back.
3. Bend the knees and lower into a squat. Stop when your knees are at 90-degree angles OR before you lose the natural arch of your back.
4. Squeeze those glutes and legs while stabilizing your body with a tight core.
5. Slowly stand back up without locking the knees and repeat for 1-3 sets of 10-15
6. Always keep the knees in line with the toes!
Stay safe don't over do this exercise.
Please feel free to share this post, make a comment bellow if this was helpful or what we could add to better your experience.
Thank you

Wednesday, April 1, 2015
How To Deadlift: A Beginner's Guide - Bodybuilding.com

Take a day off Squats and check out How To Deadlift: A Beginner's Guide - Bodybuilding.com. This in depth article will give you plenty of information on the why you need to include this in your workout regimen along with guides how to do it properly and where to start.
Happy reading, don't forget to Share and like this post.

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